Members of the Fire Service wear a LOT of hats.
There are so many needs to fill that it is literally impossible for one software company to make enough hats to go around. That is why here at First In Software we believe that you need partners to succeed and we’d like to introduce you to our newest partner, FireInspection360.

FireInspection360 is a full-featured, web-based fire inspection program designed, owned, and operated by a career Fire Inspector from one of the largest, fastest-growing cities in the world – Austin, Texas.
FireInspection360 boasts an end-to-end solution for managing the host of tasks that Fire Prevention organizations must tackle:
⦁ Property Records | ⦁ Permit Management | ⦁ Agency Collaboration |
⦁ Plan Reviews | ⦁ Public Portal | ⦁ Open Burn Permitting |
⦁ Inspections | ⦁ ITM Report Submissions | ⦁ Fire Watches |
…and much more.
To learn more about how you can help your fire prevention organization succeed, please visit