Public servants of all types are under intense scrutiny these days. That means that they need to utilize every tool at their disposal to provide the best service they can at all times. That is one of the reasons that so many public safety organizations seek accreditation in their respective disciplines. Accreditation is a method by which agencies can promote their message of proactive engagement in best practices to their customers – the public that they serve. Another key gauge of service capacity is the ISO rating that your department maintains.
According to the websites for the accreditation authorities for law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services, there are currently over 1,200 accredited agencies in the United States.
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) – 735
Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE) – 308
Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) – over 180
There are over 38,000 fire departments across the nation with ISO ratings, with less than 500 of those being Class 1 rated.
The Responder360 program by First In Software is one of the many tools that can aid your department in meeting your mission to provide the best service possible to your citizens. We play a large role in our customer’s emergency communications systems, apparatus/fleet tracking, incident management systems, water supply management, and community risk reduction programs. Whether you are simply looking to upgrade your operational awareness and productivity in general, seeking to improve your ISO rating, or to obtain and maintain accreditation, you should consider contacting us to see how we can help you and your crews.